Rhinoplasty Healing Stages: Top Healing Tips After Rhinoplasty

Undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure for either a perfect looking nose or fixing a broken nose feels like a big burden off the head. However, if you expect the outcome to be as desired, work doesn’t end at undergoing rhinoplasty surgery to fix broken nose symptoms and go back home. There are rhinoplasty healing stages and a knowledge of proper measures to be taken while your nose heals after the surgery is quite crucial.

While your surgeon would walk you through the precautions to be taken and the tips to follow, it’s always better to look for more info and keep yourself prepared. To make it easier for you to take care of your nose after rhinoplasty, here are some tips you should follow.


If you are a busy person and need to work soon after you get a surgery, you have to be careful, and there are no two ways about it. If you’ve invested so much in getting your broken nose fixed, it only makes sense to be thoughtful about the rhinoplasty healing stages. When we talk about it in terms of the time-frame, first 7 to 10 days are when our nose is a lot more vulnerable. Don’t engage in active sports or exercises for a week or 10 days so that your nose gets through the first rhinoplasty healing stage without a problem.


One of the biggest mistakes people make after getting a rhinoplasty surgery to fix their broken nose symptoms is undermining the importance of broken nose glasses. When we talk about normal glasses that people wear on a day to day basis, these glasses have nose pads that exert a lot of pressure on the nose since that’s the point of support for our glasses. This pressure can cause changes in the desired shape of the nose. Our nose is vulnerable to change in shape from pressure even months after the rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty healing stages can’t always be demarcated clearly, which makes it important to do everything you can to keep your nose relaxed.

One great way of taking care of your nose is by using Doctor CO Eyewear broken nose glasses. These glasses are especially designed for people who get a rhinoplasty surgery done. These glasses don’t have nose pads that cause dents on the nose and tamper with the rhinoplasty healing stages. However, instead, the glasses have cheek pads for support. Since our cheeks have much cartilage, the cheek pads don’t cause dents.

It is recommended to wear these glasses for at least a year if you are conscious about the shape of your nose after rhinoplasty. In fact, Doctor CO Eyewear broken nose glasses are so comfortable that people continue to wear them even long after they are don’t with the surgery. These are specifically an amazing alternative for people who find lenses annoying and have no other alternative. After all, lenses also need a lot of care and cautiousness.


Soon after the rhinoplasty procedure, you would witness swelling in your nose. the swelling plus all the bandage that your nose is wrapped with makes it look bigger. The swelling generally persists for about three days after the surgery. It gets easier to deal with the swelling when you massage your nose with an ice pack or a frozen pack of peas.

Most of the swelling and bruising is in the nose region, around the eyes, and the cheek area. You can simply massage the ice pack (avoid keeping it there) or keep the peas bag over the bruised part for a while. One of the initial rhinoplasty healing stages, this shouldn’t take your more than four days to deal with. However, if there’s a little bit of swelling, we can be optimistic that it would disappear with time. One thing to note is that broken nose glasses can also be worn if there is a slight swelling in your nose since they’re designed that way.


When we talk about bruises and wounds, diet also plays a major role in deciding how long or short the rhinoplasty healing stages would be. Make sure you include foods that are rich in zinc to accelerate the process of healing. Furthermore, stick to nutritious food and avoid oily and spicy food. Spicy food can also cause irritation in your nasal passage, cause sinus, or even make the swelling worse. As a result, you’re increasing the healing period for your nose.


Once the surgery is done, it is your responsibility to avoid any such activity that can cause another accident or have serious effects. It is in your best interest to not travel during the initial days of rhinoplasty recovery stages. Make sure you wear your broken nose glasses and do all that is required to protect your nose from any agents that can cause an injury.


One of the reasons why you should go for regular check ups one you are done with the surgery is to monitor the progress of the rhinoplasty healing stages. The whole process of healing is different for different individuals. You can’t always tell that it would only take a set number of days for your nose to be alright. Going to the doctor on a regular basis and getting your nose checked can help you in understanding to what degree your nose has healed.


In case you experience any discomfort, make it a point to go to your doctor immediately and talk about it. Whether the swelling persists, your nose bleeds or you witness something unusual, it only makes sense to consult your doctor straightaway and see what can be done.

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